Акушерский кризис: Лечите инженера, пока он чинит свою турель, находящуюся под огнём противника.
Где согласие, там победа: Помогите убить 3 врагов на вражеской контрольной точке за одну жизнь.
Длинный раунд: Вылечите 200 союзников, после того, как они позовут медика.
Адская медицина: Потушите 100 горящих союзников.
Эвтаназия: Помогите убить 20 злодеев.
Эффект Плацебо: Убейте 2 врагов за одну жизнь, накопив убер-заряд, но не использовав его.
Косторез: Ударьте врагов вашей медицинской пилой 5 раз подряд, не умирая и не промахиваясь.
Intern: Accumulate 7000 heal points in a single life.
Specialist: Accumulate 10000 heal points health in a single life.
Chief Of Staff: Accumulate 1 million total heal points.
Hypocritical Oath: Kill an enemy Spy that you have been healing.
Medical Intervention: Save a falling teammate from dying on impact.
Second Opinion: Uber-Charge 2 teammates at once.
Autopsy Report: Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting above their ragdoll.
FYI I Am A Medic: Use your bonesaw to kill 5 enemy Spies who have been calling for "Medic!".
Family Practice: Uber-charge ten of your Steam Community Friends.
House Call: Join a game that one of your friends is in and then deploy an Uber-Charge on him.
Bedside Manner: Be healing a teammate as he achieves an achievement of his own.
Прежде всего, не навреди: Сыграйте полный раунд, и возглавьте таблицу результатов в команде из 6 человек и более, не убив при этом никого из соперников.
Четырёхкратный обход: Лечите товарища, в которого стреляют сразу 4 врага одновременно.
Group Health: Work with 2 other Medics to deploy 3 simultaneous Uber-Charges.
Surgical Prep: Have an Uber-Charge ready before the Setup phase ends.
Trauma Queen: Deploy 3 Uber-Charges in less than 5 minutes, and assist in 5 kills during that time.
Double Blind Trial: Deploy an Uber-Charge within 8 seconds of a nearby enemy Medic deploying his.
Play Doctor: In a team with no Medics, be first to switch to Medic after a teammate calls "Medic!", and then heal 500 health.
Triage: Deploy an Uber-Charge on a teammate less than a second before they're hit by a critical explosive.
Preventive Medicine: Block the enemy from capturing a control point with an Uber-Charged teammate.
Consultation: Assist a fellow Medic in killing 5 enemies in a single life.
Does It Hurt When I Do This?: Kill 50 Scouts with your syringe gun.
Peer Review: Kill 50 Medics with your bone saw.
Big Pharma: Assist a Heavy in killing 20 enemies, where neither of you die.
You'll Feel a Little Prick: Assist in killing 3 enemies with a single Uber-Charge on a Scout.
Autoclave: Assist in burning 5 enemies with a single Uber-Charge on a Pyro.
Blast Assist: Assist in exploding 5 enemies with a single Uber-Charge on a Soldier.
Blunt Trauma: Assist in punching out 4 enemies with a single Uber-Charge on a Heavy.
Medical Breakthrough: Assist in destroying 5 enemy Engineer buildings with a single Uber-Charge on a Demoman.